Painting on Rontal in Bali, Indonesia

The ancient art of writing and painting on Rontal palm leaf is still popular in Tenganan, Bali.

The image is drawn onto a leaf that has been boiled, pressed, and dried, then a sharp tool is used to impress the image along the outlines. Pigment is rubbed into the depressions.

Ikat Weaving in Bali
Songket Weaving in Bali
Threads of Life
Rawhide Shadow Puppets and Dance Accessories in Bali, Indonesia
Filigree in Java, Indonesia
The Indonesian Kris
Woodcarving in Bali, Indonesia
Stone Carving in Bali, Indonesia
Water Buffalo Horn Carving in Bali, Indonesia
Terracotta Roof Tiles in Bali, Indonesia
Art-Batik of Cameroon, Africa
Shibori in Japan
Katazome (stencil dying) in Kyoto, Japan
Backstrap Weaving in Jacaltenango, Guatemala
Backstrap Weaving School at Santa Maria del Rio, Mexico
Backstrap Woven Shawls of Esperanza Valencia Morra of Morelia, Mexico
Foot-Loom Weaving in Central Mexico
Ikat Shawls of Uriangato and Moroleon, Mexico
Gobelin Tapestry Weaving in Dolores Hidalgo, Mexico
Backstrap Woven Ikat in Mexico
Footloomed Woven Ikat in Mexico
Toba Sashes of Argentina with Pickup Motif

Recommended Guides:
Competent bilingual guides (with their own vehicles) are essential. Mr. Ignatius (Telephone 0816 683 202) was my excellent guide in Java. Rudy (arranged through Tutut) was my fabulous guide in Bali.

Recommended Books:
Batik: The Impact of Time and Environment, by H. Santosa Doella, published by Danar Hadi, Surakarta, Java, Indonesia, 2002, ISBN 979-97173-1-0.
Batik: Design, Style, and History, by Fiona Kerlogue, published by Thames & Hudson, London, 2004, ISBN 0-500-28477-6.

Web page, photographs, and text by Carol Ventura in 2007. Please look at Carol's home page to see more about crafts around the world.