Francisco Garcia Guevara
Francisco is an award-winning jeweler who maintains a studio in the city of Guanajuato, Mexico. His father taught him how to make beautiful traditional gold and silver baroque jewelry. Some of his own designs also have a baroque flavor. Francisco is also an excellent teacher; he gives private silversmithing lessons (in Spanish) in his studio.

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Here are some of Francisco's silversmithing techniques:

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Casting a component in a sand mold.

Cast and fabricated components for a pendant.

Soldering the flower.

Engraving the flower.

For more information about Francisco's work, see "Baroque Silversmithing of Mexico," in Ornament, Winter 2002/2003, 26(2): 78-79. You may contact him (in Spanish) at:

Carretera Panorámica, km. 8
Tramo Normal-Presa
Guanajuato, Guanajuato
Telephone from the United States: 011-52-473-73-10186
email Francisco

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Ceramist, Capelo
Ceramist, Angelica Escarcega Rodriguez
Ceramist, José Luis Méndez Ortega
Guevara Ceramics
Tecpatl Ceramics
ARTCERA Wax Figures of Salamanca, Guanajuato
Betancourt Icons of Celaya, Guanajuato
Gobelin Tapestry Weaving in Dolores Hidalgo, Guanajuato
Ikat Foot-loom Woven Shawls of Moroleon and Uriangato, Guanajuato
Papermaker, Margarita Orozco Ramirez, of San Miguel, Guanajuato
Wood Carver, Fernando Giron Pantoja, of Apaseo el Alto, Guanajuato

Metal Casters of Foumban, Cameroon, Africa
Lost Wax Casting in Krofofrom, Ghana
Haida Silversmith, Dave Hunter
Silversmithing in Andalucia, Spain
Silver Filigree Jewelers of Java, Indonesia
The Kris in Java and Bali, Indonesia

Web page, photographs, and text by Carol Ventura in 2001. Please look at Carol's home page to see more about crafts around the world.