Fernando Giron Pantoja

It is incredible what talent and patience, in the hands of an artist, can produce. Fernando's carved and painted figure of St. Michael fighting the devil (on the right) is fantastic! Straining muscles, an intense facial expression, delicate fingers, gilded armor, colorful flowing drapery . . . all from a piece of wood, paint, and gold leaf. Amazing!

Fernando creates his figures with a variety of wood-carving tools.

Painting and gold-leafing require specialized techniques.

For more information, see "Woodcarvers of Guanajuato," in Wood Carving, September/October 2003:18-20. You may contact Fernando (in Spanish) at:

Narcizo Mendoza 501-A
Zona Centro
Apaseo el Alto
Mexico CP 36000

Ceramist, Angelica Escarcega Rodriguez
Ceramist, José Luis Méndez Ortega
Guevara Ceramics
Tecpatl Ceramics
Cane baskets
Jeweler, Francisco Garcia Guevara
ARTCERA Wax Figures of Salamanca, Guanajuato
Betancourt Icons of Celaya, Guanajuato
Gobelin Tapestry Weaving in Dolores Hidalgo, Guanajuato
Ikat Foot-loom Woven Shawls of Moroleon and Uriangato, Guanajuato
Papermaker, Margarita Orozco Ramirez, of San Miguel, Guanajuato

Mexican Marquetry Box Maker, José Antonio Rodríguez
Los Leñateros Papermaking, Printmaking, and Book Arts Studio
Religious Sculpture in Seville, Spain
Silva Foundation Workshops in Lisbon, Portugal
Intarsia of Granada, Spain
Haida Wood Carver, Reg Davidson
Haida Argillite Carver, Myles Edgars
Haida Painter, James Sawyer
Polish Wood Carver, Jan Piotr Ledwon
Polish Wood Carver, Czeslaw Olma
Wood Carving in Foumban, Cameroon, Africa
African, Abdou Mfopa
Ga Coffins in Teshie, Ghana
Wood Carving in Bali, Indonesia
Horn Carving in Bali, Indonesia

Web page, photographs, and text by Carol Ventura in 2001. Please look at Carol's home page to see more about crafts around the world.